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ようこそ  ゲスト さん ログイン 入力補助 English Top ブラウズ 著者 出版年 雑誌名 資料種別 ランキング アクセスランキング ダウンロードランキング その他 成果物の登録方法 大東文化大学図書館HP このアイテムのアクセス数:7件(2024-04-29 07:04 集計) 閲覧可能ファイル  ファイル フォーマット サイズ 閲覧回数 説明 KJ00005455501 pdf 2.06 MB 9 論文情報 タイトル Developing and Implementing a Framework to Study Human Resource Management in &#39;Venture Companies&#39; (Start-up Companies) in Japan 著者名 著者/ヨミ/別表記 McDONALD, Darren M. 主題 Human Resource Management (HRM) start-up companies Venture Companies Japan qualitative research 抄録・概要 This paper outlines an exploratory research framework used to study Human Resource Management (HRM) systems, practices and issues in Venture Companies (start-up companies) in Japan. After clarifying the terminology used, which in turn determines the scope of research, and reviewing the Japanese literature, the paper attempts to position HRM in the context of Venture Companies in Japan. A longitudinal case study based on qualitative research approaches suggested for the research framework focuses on the need to appreciate the processes of HRM within the context of each individual Venture Company as well as enable new understandings to emerge in data grounded in the research field. Since the study has already commenced with ongoing analysis as part of the research process, the paper will draw from some preliminary findings to highlight some features of both the research framework and issues surrounding HRM in one of the companies involved in the study. 掲載誌名 Research papers E NCID AA10825291 巻 40 開始ページ 1 終了ページ 35 刊行年月日 2006-03 言語 英語 資料種別(NII) 紀要論文 コンテンツの種類 紀要論文 著者版フラグ publisher ホームへ戻る © 2024 Daito Bunka University, All rights reserved       お問い合わせ先 リポジトリ担当 [email protected]

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