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Our main educational goal is to train students for their future roles as professional healthcare leaders. The total number of graduates is now over 3,900 (2020 April); our graduates have made a substantial contribution to the quality of medical care in Japan, especially in regional areas. Ehime prefecture is a part of Shikoku Island, and its capital, Matsuyama city, is well-known as the home of Dogo hot springs, the oldest in Japan. Our campus is located in Tobe town, just south of Matsuyama city, in a wonderful natural setting. Our campus is located only 20 minutes by car from the Matsuyama Airport. History 1988 Ehime College of Health Sciences was established (2- and 3-year programs). 1991 Advanced courses for Midwifery and Community Health Nursing were established (1-year program). 2004 Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences (4-year program) was founded. 2007 Ehime College of Health Sciences was closed. 2010 Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences was reestablished as a Public University Corporation. 2012 Advanced Certification Program in Midwifery (1-year program) was established. 2014 The Graduate School of Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences (Master's degree Program) was established. Educational Philosophy As a basic principle of respecting human lives, we cultivate professionals who have high levels of knowledge and skill related to health and medical treatment, and can contribute to the enhancement of the health and welfare of diverse individuals, based on their deep understanding of people and broad perspective, which results from sense of humanity and ethics. Organization of Education UNDERGRADUATE (4-year program) Faculty of Health Sciences ・Department of Nursing ・Department of Medical Technology GRADUATE Graduate School of Health Sciences (2-year program) ・Nursing Program ・Medical Technology Program Advanced Certification Program in Midwifery (1-year program) Undergraduate Program (4-year program) Department Qualification after Graduation Graduation requirements Degree Admission Capacity Nursing National nurse examination National public health nurse examination (selected candidates) 129 credits 136 credits Bachelor 75 (each year) Medical Technology National clinical laboratory technician examination 130 credits Bachelor 25 (each year) *the term "clinical laboratory technician" means a person who, using the title of clinical laboratory technician under the license from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, is engaged in the service of conducting microbiological examinations, serological examinations, hematological examinations, pathological examinations, parasitological examinations, biochemical examinations and the physiological examinations specified by Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, under the instructions of a physician or dentist. (Act on Clinical Laboratory Technicians, http://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/law/detail_main?vm=&id=2956) Graduate Program (2-year program) Graduation requirements Degree Admission Capacity Nursing 32 credits Master 5 (each year) Medical Technology 32 credits Master 3 (each year) Advanced Certification Program in Midwifery (1-year program) Department Qualification after Graduation Graduation requirements Admission Capacity Midwifery National midwifery examination 33 credits 15 (each year) Faculties Faculty: 58 (Nursing: 35, Medical Technology: 16, Liberal Arts: 7) Admission policy We seek students who deeply understand the educational ideals of this university, and have a strong desire to contribute to community health care. We welcome such students as follows: ● Those who are keenly interested in health care, and are motivated to contribute to the local community. ● Those who have cultivated a rich regard for humanity, and respect others around them. ● Those who are able to think logically from many different viewpoints and express their own thoughts and opinions. ● Those who have fundamental academic skills that will enable them to learn health care. Location & map Address 543, Takoda, Tobe-cho, Iyo-gun, Ehime 791-2101, JAPAN TEL: +81-89-958-2111, FAX: +81-89-958-2177 トップページ 大学案内 大学の概要 Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences PAGE TOP 大学案内 大学の概要 情報公開 FD活動(教職員教育活動) --> 対象者別メニュー 受験生・保護者の方 在学生・教職員の方 卒業生の方 進路指導担当の方 医療関係者の方 学部紹介 保健科学部 看護学科 臨床検査学科 大学院紹介 保健医療学研究科(大学院) 保健医療学研究科のご紹介 --> 看護学専攻 医療技術科学専攻 専攻科紹介 助産学専攻科の紹介 --> 助産学専攻科 入試情報 入試情報・大学見学等のご紹介 --> 入試情報・大学見学等 入学試験の概要 --> 入試関連の情報 --> 受験者・保護者のための大学見学 進学相談会 オープンキャンパス キャンパスライフ キャンパスライフのご紹介 学生支援 サークル活動 学生祭 学生自治会 学年暦 学生生活Q&Aよくある質問と答え 就職支援 就職支援のご紹介 在校生の方 卒業生の方 保護者の方 関連施設 図書館 地域交流センター サイトマップ お問い合わせ 資料請求 プライバシーポリシー RSS配信 免責事項 〒791-2101 愛媛県伊予郡砥部町高尾田543番地 Tel:089-958-2111 Fax:089-958-2177 アクセスマップ Copyright © Ehime Prefectural University Of Health Sciences All rights reserved 訪問者別インデックス 受験者・保護者の方へ 大学について知りたい --> 入学試験の情報について知りたい 学部・学科について知りたい 看護学科について知りたい 臨床検査学科について知りたい 大学院について知りたい 助産学専攻科について知りたい 大学院について知りたい --> 就職実績情報 図書館 オープンキャンパス 卒業生の方へ 各種証明書の発行について 住所変更 木蓮会(同窓会) 卒業生と在学生の交流 キャンパスライフ 地域交流センター 学生専用ページ 在学生・教職員の方へ 学部生の方へ 大学院生の方へ 専攻科の方へ 進路指導担当の方へ 大学について 入学試験について 医療関係者の方へ 愛媛県立医療技術大学について 保健科学部について 看護学科について 臨床検査学科について 大学院について 助産学専攻科について 閉じる

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