


出典: 標準

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Izumi Yokoyama, Kazuhito Higa and Daiji Kawaguchi (2021) "Adjustments of regular and non-regular workers to exogenous shocks: Evidence from exchange-rate fluctuation," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp 470-510. Ayako Kondo and Daiji Kawaguchi (2020) "The effects of graduating from college during a recession on consumption and asset holding," Economic Inquiry, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 283-293. Daiji Kawaguchi and Soohyung Lee (2017) "Brides for Sale: Cross-Border Marriages and Female Immigration," Economic Inquiry, Vol. 55, pp. 633-654. Daiji Kawaguchi and Norifumi Yukutake (2017) "Estimating the Residential Land Damage of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident," Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 99, pp. 148-160. Shota Araki, Daiji Kawaguchi and Yuki Onozuka (2016) "University prestige, performance evaluation, and promotion: Estimating the employer learning model using personnel datasets," Labour Economics, Vol. 41, pp. 135-148. Daiji Kawaguchi and Yuko Mori (2016) "Why wage inequality have evolved so differently between Japan and the US? The role of supply of college educated workers," Economics of Education Review, Vol. 52, pp. 29-50. Daiji Kawaguchi and Tetsushi Murao (2014) "Labor-market Institutions and long-term effects of youth unemployment," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 46, No. S2, pp. 95-116. Daiji Kawaguchi, Tetsushi Murao, and Ryo Kambayashi (2014) "Incidence of Strict Quality Standards: Protection of Consumers or Windfall for Professionals?" Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 195-224. Daiji Kawaguchi and Tetsushi Murao (2014) "Labor-market Institutions and Long-Term Effects of Youth Unemployment," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 46, No. S2, pp. 95-116. Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi and Ken Yamada (2013) "Minimum Wage and Wage Distribution in a Deflationary Economy," Labour Economics, Vol. 24, pp. 264-276. Daiji Kawaguchi, Jungmin Lee and Daniel Hamermesh (2013) "The Gift of Time," Labour Economics, Vol. 24, pp. 205-216. Daiji Kawaguchi and Junko Miyazaki (2009) "Working Mothers and Sons' Preferences regarding Female Labor Supply: Direct Evidence from Stated Preferences," Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 115-130. Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi and Izumi Yokoyama (2008) "Wage Distribution in Japan: 1989-2003," Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 1329-1350. Daiji Kawaguchi and Wenjie Ma (2008) "The Causal Effect of Graduating from a Top University on Promotion: Evidence from the University of Tokyo's Admission Freeze in 1969," Economics of Education Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 184-196. Daiji Kawaguchi and Fumio Ohtake (2007) "Testing the Morale Theory of Nominal Wage Rigidity," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 57-72. Daiji Kawaguchi (2007) "A Market Test of Sex Discrimination: Evidence from Japanese Panel Data," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 441-460. Daiji Kawaguchi (2004) "Peer Effect on Substance Uses among American Teenagers," Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 351-367. Daiji Kawaguchi (2003) "Human Capital Accumulation of Self-Employed and Salaried Workers," Labour Economics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 55-71. 研究员 按职位顺序排列 按日文罗马字顺序排列 退职研究员 交流 申请订阅电子信息 --> --> 研究内容 研究项目(2024-2028年度) 研究项目(2020-2023年度) 研究项目(2016-2019年度) 研究项目(2011-2015年度) 政策研究领域(2006-2010年度) 研究项目专集 研究员 研究论文 工作论文(日文) 工作论文(英文) 政策论文(日文) 政策论文(英文) 学术论文(日文) 学术论文(英文) 研究摘要 政策分析论文 调查报告 出版物 RIETI Books(日文) RIETI Books(英文) 通商产业政策史 编著者对本书的介绍 其他出版物(日文) 其他出版物(英文) 其他出版物(中文) 各种活动 政策研讨会 工作研讨会 BBL论坛 已结束讲座系列 数据 JIP数据库 R-JIP数据库 --> CIP数据库 各产业的名义·实际有效汇率 AMU与AMU乖离指标 RIETI-TID 亚洲各国生产率的国际比较研究计划(ICPA) 相关链接 寄稿/专栏 专栏文章 媒体寄稿 特集 经济产业杂志 研究员专页 特别企划 RIETI电子信息 关于RIETI 个人信息保护方针 网站声明 网站地图 阅览方法 联系方式 本网页内的署名文章均属作者本人观点,不代表经济产业研究所的立场。文中的职称、数字以及固定名称等都以刊载时为准。希望转载时,请事先与我们联系。 返回页首

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