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大学紹介 大学紹介 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 公益通報の通報・相談窓口 情報公表・大学評価 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 学生寮 パソコン教室 施設のご使用について 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院 学部学科・大学院 学部 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院 経済学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 シラバス検索 教育・研究 教育・研究 教育 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査結果 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ メニュー インターネット出願--> OPEN CAMPUS 受験生 検索 アクセス English インターネット出願--> OPENCAMPUS 受験生 アクセス お問合せ 資料請求 寄付 大学紹介開く 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要開く 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み開く ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 情報公表・大学評価開く 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について開く 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介開く 施設のご使用について 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 国際学生寮 パソコン教室 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院開く 学部開く 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院開く 経済学研究科 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース シラバス検索 教育・研究開く 教育開く 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査と情報公開 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携開く 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流開く 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職開く キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ開く 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得開く 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ Summary of 2022 Academic Year Internship Programs (Credit-Eligible Courses) HOMEKUAS English PortalHOME For Current Students (Undergraduate & Graduate)Internship ProgramsSummary of 2022 Academic Year Internship Programs (Credit-Eligible Courses) 日本語 2022 Academic Year Internship Summary Nidec Motor Corporation Hosokawa Micron Corporation Nidec Motor Corporation Nidec Group's U.S. offices Two engineering students traveled to the United States for an in-person internship at Nidec Motor Corporation, a U.S. office of the Nidec Group that handles motors and control equipment for home appliances as well as industrial and consumer applications. The students participated in a specialized program for engineering students, being involved in various steps of the manufacturing process such as receiving orders for new products, planning, experimentation, design, analysis, assembly, performance evaluation, and durability testing. In addition, they participated in global conferences on management, toured distribution warehouses, visited local universities, interacted with local students, and were involved in marketing projects. The wealth and variety of experiences made this a valuable experience for the students. Student Interview I decided to enter this university because I wanted to challenge myself to become a global professional as a member of the inaugural class in the Faculty of Engineering. For my internship placement, I hoped for a place where I could work with the kinds of motors that I became interested in during my studies, and to be able to go overseas to develop my ability to succeed abroad. During my internship, I was very impressed to meet many talented engineers with broad knowledge and professional efficiency. When encountering a problem outside my area of expertise, I wanted to share it with the professional engineers as soon as possible and see them work on the problem. Going forward I want to make efforts to learn business management, English, and gain broad technical knowledge to get closer to the ideal version of myself. Message to fellow students Every day during my internship, I pushed my limits and worked my hardest on everything. There were difficult times, but by not giving up and working through it, I was able to grow and feel confident. Before the internship, I felt uneasy, but this experience taught me firsthand that people can grow by taking on challenges on their own. At times you may too feel uneasy when you decide to take on something. My advice to you would be to imagine the you that has overcome the challenge. To reach that ideal self you have no choice but to take on that challenge. I think participating in an internship is a step forward toward that goal. Student Interview In the future, I want to develop products that would help people around the world, so I entered this university to improve both my English proficiency and knowledge of engineering. For my internship, I wanted to work for a company in the United States, the center of global business, to become a future global professional. I participated in the internship while always thinking about the Nidec Group philosophy of "Do it now; do it without hesitation; do it until completed." However, I was also impressed by the kindness of the employees who are working passionately. Also, when I participated in the management meeting, I became keenly aware of my lack of knowledge, not knowing what the graphs and tables on the slides meant. Based on the guidance from all of the Nidec employees, I decided I want to spend the rest of my student life focused on the future and to be proactive in acquiring world-class knowledge in English, engineering and business management. Message to fellow students Up until now, I had only a vague image of what it is like to work, but by experiencing an overseas internship, I realized the level of English proficiency, as well as engineering and management knowledge required to be able to excel, and I became keenly aware of my lack of ability. After the internship, the things that I should focus on and learn became clear, and I am confident that I can spend the rest of my student life with firm goals. It was only a short period of two weeks, but it was a very meaningful experience for my future, so I would recommend an overseas internship to my fellow students. Hosokawa Micron Corporation Hosokawa Micron is the world&#39;s largest manufacturer of powder equipment and strives to continuously improve powder technology with a focus on both the powder and plastic thin film business. Hosokawa Micron accepted students from the Department of Bioenvironmental Science. At the head office, students participated in lectures on the company’s business and conducted experiments on PLGA nanoparticles, the core technology of the company&#39;s materials business. During the factory tour, students learned in detail about technical development operations and equipment, channels related to cosmetics sales, and package design, among other topics. Student Interview My dream for the future is to develop cosmetics that create skin that doesn&#39;t change with age. On the day of the entrance ceremony, I worked up the courage to raise my hand during a question session with the university president and told him that I wanted to do an internship at a cosmetics company. During the internship, I partook in an experiment of blending PLGA nanoparticles into an existing lotion in the laboratory of core technology. I got to see PLGA nanoparticles in front of my own eyes for the first time and experience the difference in texture before and after blending, which were valuable experiences that can only be gained by doing it firsthand. I would like to make use the knowledge of cosmetics I have learned during my internship in the future, first to master the basics of cosmetics, and then someday to develop the anti-aging cosmetics of my dreams. Message to fellow students I am very happy that I came to this university. This university will respond if you act. If you ever worry about anything in the future, it is best to be proactive. If you propose something, they'll listen. They’ll listen to what you have to say and do their best to meet your needs. That's what I thought after spending half a year at this school. I think Kyoto University of Advanced Science is the best environment to strive for your dreams. ForCurrentStudents Courses & Registration開く Academic Calendar E-learning System Enrollment Guidelines Class Hours & Test Times開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Class Hours Kyoto Kameoka Campus Class Hours Tuition and Financial Aid開く Tuition Scholarships開く Jasso Scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship KUAS Student Guardian Association Scholarship Student Life開く Clubs and Societies Student Council Sentan Navi Webmail Reporting Address Changes, etc Issuance of Certificates Commuter Passes, etc Lost & Found Student Housing International Student Residence Uzumasa A開く GCL Program Training Room Ryuo Kaikan Seminar Hall Computer Rooms Part-time Jobs International Exchange開く About International Exchange Exchange Programs開く United States Korea Thailand China Taiwan Indonesia Mongolia Overseas Short-term Training Programs International Students Support開く International Student Numbers(Japanese) Career Development Center開く Industry Experience (Internship) Student Counseling & Support開く Nurse&#039;s Office開く Issuance of Health Examination Certificates Mandatory Absence in the Event of Infection Influenza Health Safety Measures Precautions for International Travel Annual Health Checkups for Students About CPR Student Counselor&#039;s Office Student Disability Support Office ICT Center International Center Career Support Center ICT Center Anti-harassment Initiatives Campuses開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map Kyoto Kameoka Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map More Information開く Personal Information Protection KUAS Student Guardian Association開く Greeting KUAS Alumni Association Founding Principles 京都発世界人財 アクセス お問い合わせ 採用情報 サイトマップ サイトポリシー 個人情報の取扱い 学校法人 永守学園 京都先端科学大学附属高等学校 京都先端科学大学附属中学校 京都先端科学大学附属みどりの丘幼稚園・みどりの丘保育園 Twitter YouTube Line Facebook LinkedIn 学内専用ポータル Copyright © Kyoto University of Advanced Science. 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