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Dean’s Message Faculty Profile Graduate School Faculty Staff Admissions International Exchange Contact Us Japanese English International Exchange International Exchange to promote Global Communication The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences encourages international student exchange. This includes students enrolled at Shizuoka University studying abroad and students of foreign universities studying here at Shizuoka University. Over the last decade, the number of students in both groups has been increasing steadily. Our students can participate in programs our Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has arranged with seven foreign universities (see below), or in programs that Shizuoka University has arranged with more than sixty foreign universities. A number of summer foreign study programs are available, including ones at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (U.S.A.) and the University of Alberta (Canada). These programs typically last for three to four weeks. 静岡大学人文社会科学部 静岡大学人文社会科学部 English Home Access Map Tourist Information @ Shizuoka University Humanities & Social Sciences メニュー 学部概要 特色 入試情報 キャリアサポート 学科 社会学科 言語文化学科 法学科 経済学科 大学院(研究科) 臨床人間科学専攻 比較地域文化専攻 経済専攻 案内 学部案内[PDF] 研究科案内[PDF] 国際交流 リンク 検索 タイトルとURLをコピーしました

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